In 2022 the necessity for transformative change is more clear than ever before. Science demands that emissions are reduced 50% from 2005 levels by 2030 and 100% by 2050. False solutions that pretend progress while in actuality extending the life of fossil fuel industries can no longer be tolerated. Net Zero is not REAL zero and Hydrogen is NOT clean.
Instead transformative change requires we imagine beyond our current realities. Imagine the people gain the legal right to clean air, water and a stable climate. Imagine New Mexico cities with the power to purchase their own renewable energy, to harness the free and clean power of the wind and the sun and invest those savings in NM families. Imagine a network of individual solar systems, micro-grids and community solar and wind farms serving every corner of the state. Imagine a world where utilities no longer control our access to energy or keep us dependent on dirty fuel sources to feed their own profits. Imagine Public Power.
Let's make 2022 the year of transformative change. In the 2022 legislative session we are supporting bills that strengthen our power to defend our communities and bring the benefits of renewable energy into the people's hands.