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Take Action: Community Solar Act - HB210 will be heard - Rm 317, Thursday 8:00AM, January 24

Tell your Representative you appreciate that they stand for economic development and renewables, and now is the opportunity to turn that belief into action!

On Thursday 8:00AM in room 317 (third floor) of the State Capitol, our first bill, HB-210 Community Solar Act is FIRST ON THE AGENDA before the House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee. Email and let us know if you are able to join us on Thursday morning. If you are unable to make it in person, please read on for opportunities to take action, today.

Read over the materials attached and linked below. Pick from the facts and information those pieces that resonate with your passion best, and then make calls, write handwritten letters, or send personal emails to the committee members.

Elected officials are skeptical of identical "click and send" form emails. That is why it is so vital for you to make your appeal personal and authentic. In person visits, phone calls, personal emails, and handwritten letters carry far more influence.

If you do call committee members at their Capitol office, please be kind, brief, and concise for the hard working legislative assistants who are answering and tracking calls for their legislators.

Click below for contact information of members of the House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee. Please copy on your advocacy emails.

Representative Matthew McQueen, Chair

Representative Angelica Rubio, Vice Chair

Representative Abbas Akhil

Representative Phelps Anderson

Representative Joanne J. Ferrary

Representative Rod Montoya

Representative Andrea Romero

Representative Debra M. Sariñana

Representative Larry R. Scott

Representative Nathan P. Small

Representative Melanie A. Stansbury

Representative James R.J. Strickler

Representative James G. Townsend

Local community solar allows multiple participants to share the cost-saving benefits of a single solar installation. It is a simple tool that provides everyone the opportunity to choose local, reliable, and cost-effective clean energy. 19 states have already passed laws enabling community solar programs. Click here for more info and to download our info-flyer on Community Solar.

Sovereign Native American tribes, municipalities, and businesses can build the solar facilities, and the utility companies will transmit it on the grid. Residents and businesses can subscribe, or purchase shares in the solar facility, and the value of electricity generated from those shares is credited to their electricity bill. Community solar opens up the market to competition by energy suppliers, including municipal governments, sovereign Native American tribes, and third-parties to own solar arrays, produce electricity, and make them available to customers.

We want to legislators to deliver on policies that build a vibrant and robust green energy economy and create local jobs. Community Solar legislation presents a tremendous opportunity to deliver something meaningful for your constituents while acting as a source of local economic development.

Community solar installations are larger-scale, solar electric facilities owned by multiple community members

The Community Solar Bill will enable utility customers who are renters, who do not have suitable locations, or are prevented from installing rooftop solar for other reasons to have equal access to the benefits of self-generation.

In addition, Community Solar delivers the benefits of solar power at lower costs by aggregating customers into larger projects, which have economies of scale.

Low income communities pay a higher percentage of their income for energy needs

The Community Solar Bill will provide an opportunity for families to lessen that impact by allowing residents to join together and crowd-source renewable energy at a fixed, lower cost.

Solar energy is now one of the lowest-cost energy solutions on the market.

An overwhelming majority of New Mexicans want access to solar generated energy because we know it is the right thing to do for our economy, and our planet.

The trouble is, in New Mexico, investor-owned utilities only generate a tiny percentage of energy from  solar - despite the fact that our state is at the very top in the nation (and the world) for solar capacity.

It is greatly important that New Mexico leaders act now to protect public health and take action to protect our clean air and water.

Community Solar helps achieve this goal while stimulating emerging sectors of the local economy.

Community Solar generates local wealth through the creation of new green jobs and enables people to repurpose energy dollar savings, further stimulating our local economies. Alternative energy jobs are the fastest growing job sector in New Mexico.

December 2018 Report from National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Details Advantages of Community Solar Projects

Community solar has the potential to vastly increase access to solar for low- and moderate-income communities, especially for renters. The report reviews existing and emerging low- and moderate-income (LMI) community solar programs, discusses key questions related to program design, outlines how states can leverage incentives and finance structures to lower the cost of  community solar, and examines marketing and outreach considerations.

Thank You For Taking Action!

Email or Call New Energy Economy with questions or for more info!


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