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Watch, Share, Contribute - Together We Stand a Chance

Help Us Raise $50,000 by November 26th

You may have heard the characterization that New Energy Economy is a lone ranger in our opposition to PNM's Replacement Power Plan and the Stipulated Agreement. 

Meanwhile, we feel the presence, participation, encouragement, and solidarity ofTHOUSANDS of New Mexicans across our fine state who are standing with us in defense of justice and our collective future.

We are here, doing what we're doing, about to argue before the Supreme Court of New Mexico because we represent the interests of the public, the ratepayers, and the grassroots movement calling for a just and clean energy transition NOW.

It is an honor. And we need your support. While PNM is spending ratepayer's dollars to run advertisements on TV and the PRC just approved more than 200,000 dollars of tax-payer money to hire private defense attorneys to represent them, we are relying on YOU, the average New Mexican, to support our efforts. 

We've just made a video about our collective effort that we are using to spread the word about this monumental opportunity as well as enlist the support of at least 200 grassroots donors to help us raise $50,000 for the Supreme Court Case.  Please join us in this effort.

Please also join us for the oral arguments before the NM Supreme Court November 9, 2015, 1PM on the corner of Alameda and Don Gaspar in Santa Fe, NM.


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