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Our Overarching Strategy

Activist DNA:


New Energy Economy was founded in 2004 to build a fossil-fuel and nuclear free energy future for our health and the environment.


Our Theory of Change

New Energy Economy works to radically transform our energy systems – the basis of our economy. The current energy model of extraction and exploitation has had devastating effects on our climate, on the health of communities, especially Native and low-income communities, and on our local economies. Climate disruption threatens the stability of the ecosystems on which we depend for food, water, shelter, and livelihood. In order to develop resilient local economies based on mutualism and reciprocity, we must stop raping and pillaging the earth for fossil fuel and nuclear energy resources and shift our economy away from these exploitative models of energy generation. 


New Energy Economy believes in the power of investing in local economic infrastructure and relationships that enable communities to meet their basic needs at a scale that keeps the ecological and human impacts visible so that communities can influence and be accountable for the decisions that shape their lives. 

Our strategy to achieve that vision is two-fold: disrupt the current energy model and put an end to the destruction it causes AND create the renewable energy solutions on the ground that inspire communities to believe in their power and right to transition to a better way. 

We believe that it is critical that the transition to a clean energy economy be designed to bring the economic, environmental, and community empowerment benefits of renewable energy to traditionally underserved communities and that the movement for a clean, just energy transition be centered around the leadership and capacity-building of frontline communities, particularly Native communities, who have borne the brunt of the costs of the extractive energy model and young people whose future is literally at stake.


Our strategy is to build the political power and regulatory/policy framework necessary to shift energy investments from fossil fuel and nuclear extraction to clean alternatives in pursuit of environmental justice and human and environmental health.


New Energy Economy is recognized by our partners for our unique approach that combines targeted legal campaigns with public education and engagement that make complex energy and regulatory issues accessible to the public and opens up spaces for community participation and influence on energy decision-making. We intervene in regulatory cases to advocate for outcomes that benefit the people and the planet.


In addition to our legal and policy work, NEE installs community-scale solar systems in communities to demonstrate the viability of renewable energy and bring the economic, environmental, health, and cost-saving benefits of solar to under-served communities. Our first installation was on the Navajo Nation's Chapter House. Since then, we have installed ten systems on public buildings, community organizations, and local farms. Our geographic focus is New Mexico.

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