Jun 24, 2024Dueling headlines a painful illustration of New Mexico's outsize role in the climate crisis
Jun 9, 2024Ethics complaint and Motion for Disqualification filed against WQCC Commissioner McWilliams for conflicts of interest related to ownership of an oil and gas company
May 17, 2024Fracking waste reuse hearing concludes for the week, evidence of discharge and reuse dangers continues to be exposed
May 15, 2024NMOGA organized a show of force to try to convince Commissioners New Mexico needs their fracking waste
May 12, 2024NM Supreme Court Upholds Commission Oversight Over Energy Efficiency and Load Management Utility Expenditures in Decoupling Case
May 12, 2024At Fracking Waste Reuse hearing today the Water Quality Control Commission dismissed a question of jurisdiction, the public showed up to say NO to reuse, and a journalist found something fishy