Thank you everyone who filled the chairs in the Senate Chambers and supported us in the gallery. The public support was impressive, effective and critical!!!
This is only round one: and the people won!!
But as we know, PNM will not stop. If passed, this bill would have expanded their monopoly to own all replacement power generation and a lot of money is at stake. If PNM would have been successful the ratepayers' bills would skyrocket and they would have been out from under the consumer protection standards of prudence and cost effectiveness. This is really what this bill was about. To see Mariel's presentation about the anti-competitive nature of PNM's bill watch HERE.
Senators Cervantes and Wirth were troubled by the elimination of competition in the bill and they understood the dire implications for New Mexico's ratepayers - that PNM ownership costs us far more for the same energy resources. Senators Stefanics, Soules and McSorley joined to create a majority that tabled the bill. Senator Martinez joined the three Republicans in support of the bill. Senator McSorley dragged himself to this committee hearing despite his terrible illness because he understood the gravity of this decision and his pivotal vote.
PNM will try and make a deal to resuscitate this bill and we must remain vigilant.
We need to be able to count on you to pack the gallery if the bill comes up again.
A million thanks to all who testified, wrote letters, made phone calls, signed petitions, visited legislators!! Thanks also to all the organizations who were with us.
Standing together we can defeat this bill.
The New Energy Economy team