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Earth Matters Podcast / Mariel Nanasi

26 April 2015

Donna Stevens interviews Mariel Nanasi, Executive Director of Santa Fe, New Mexico based NEE / New Energy Economy. They discuss the pending decision of the PRC / Public Regulation Commission on PNM’s proposed energy portfolio which would allow PNM to provide almost 60% of New Mexico’s electricity via coal fired plants with a further substantial dependence on nuclear power and only 6% from renewable / clean sources over the next 20 years.

Mariel also reviews the massively miscalculated costs of the proposal which PNM has presented to the PRC – possibly as much as 1.1 billion dollars – and the continuing legal battle that new Energy Economy has been fighting with PNM and the PRC in which parts of PNM’s proposal now face serious challenges in administrative hearings.

This administrative hearing challenge is largely based on information generated by a database/calculation tool which PNM used to calculate their figures. When asked to provide the model and data used for their proposal, PNM refused citing the proprietary nature of the system. However, NEE arranged to lease the same system and found that substantial discrepancies were revealed when PNM data was replaced other relevant and available data.

Mariel Nanasi visited Silver City on Saturday 25 April 2015 / 7pm at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall to present the current circumstances and developments.


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