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Time to Turn our Positive Election into Action at the Roundhouse for the #NMGreenNewDeal

Are You Ready to Actualize New Mexico's GreenNewDeal? People are hungry for immediate and courageous leadership from our elected officials. Throughout the legislative session (1/15/19 - 3/16/19) New Energy Economy will be working in coalition with New Mexico's greater environmental justice community to host advocacy trainings, a clean energy conference, and multiple advocacy days at the state capitol building.


In this update:

  • All Pueblo Council of Governors (APCG) passes Resolution supporting policy aimed at opening up renewable energy economy

  • Santa Fe County passes resolution to Address Climate Disruption

  • Coalition of Sustainable Communities New Mexico Aims for the Sun - Community Solar Legislation

  • Just Transition Convergence - Jan 28-29, 2019 in Santa Fe -- RSVP Now!

New Energy Economy advocates testified in eloquent and enthusiastic support for the Santa Fe County Commission resolution on December 11, 2018. When Chairwoman Hansen asked those in support to stand, the entire chamber was on its feet.

Your advocacy during and leading up to the 2019 NM legislative session can make the difference between a genuinely progressive, effective, and just renewable energy platform or more of the same. This is our chance to enact state-level protections that counteract those being stripped by the Trump administration.

Commit to the efforts by attending events throughout the state, including:

Advocacy/lobby training – throughout the state

Santa Fe: 6-8 p.m. January 9, Jaguar Road Library
Silver City: 6:30-8:30 p.m. January 9, WNMU
Las Cruces: 6-8 p.m. January 9, Southwest Environmental Center
Albuquerque: 6-8 p.m. January 17, St. Mark's Episcopal
Gallup: 6 p.m. Tuesday, January 8, Work In Beauty House
Aztec: 6-8 p.m. Thursday, January 10, The Step Back Inn
Taos: Date and location TBA

New Energy Economy Attorney, Gail Evans leads discussion at Las Cruces Forum for Energy Justice on December 5, 2018

Sunday January 27th

5-8PM Indigenous Leaders Network Reception

Monday January 28th

9:30AM-2PM Building a Just Transition for NM

3PM-8PM Clean Energy Conference – January 28 (PM) featuring New Mexico environmental journalist Laura Paskus and Destiny Watford, a Goldman Environmental Prize winner who in high school led the fight to stop a trash-burning incinerator in her community.

Tuesday January 29th

8:00-3:30PM Clean Energy Lobby Day

Wednesday February 13th

Lands, Water, and Wildlife Day at the Roundhouse


All Pueblo Council of Governors leads the way - passes strong resolution based on Pueblo cultural values in support of renewable energy

On Thursday, December 13, the All Pueblo Council of Governors passed a strong resolution in support of robust and community-driven renewable energy solutions for sovereign Native American nations and communities across the state of NM.

The Resolution supports policy initiatives that open up New Mexico's renewable energy market and create local wealth through Local Choice Energy. The Resolution also seeks to give people access to renewables through Community Solar, and to restore transparency and protection for the public interest through a Competitive Procurement process for energy generation resources, and it supports efforts to raise the renewable energy portfolio standard for New Mexico.

From the APCG website: "[the] APCG is comprised of 20 Governors of the sovereign Pueblo nations of New Mexico and Texas, vested in making life better for all our Pueblo people and ensuring that those yet to be born have the same opportunity to experience our customs and traditions just as previous generations have been blessed."

Santa Fe County Commission Passes Resolution for Renewable Energy Advocacy Before NM Legislature

On Tuesday, December 11, more than a dozen New Energy Economy advocates stood in support and testified with eloquent and enthusiastic support for a Resolution, brought by Commission Board Chairwoman Anna Hansen, that supports bold state legislation to confront climate disruption.

The County resolution identifies 10 concrete actions that should be taken to address climate change and protect our environment. Among other legislative support, the County resolution calls for legislation to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, increase the amount of renewable energy being created, build more solar projects, and restore a tax credit for residents and businesses who install solar energy systems.   

The Resolution passed unanimously! Read it HERE

New Energy Economy and the Coalition of Sustainable Communities

New Energy Economy is working in cooperation with the Coalition of Sustainable Communities to support a progressive legislative agenda. The Coalition has adopted the Community Solar Act as its number one priority during the 2019 legislative session.

Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Las Cruces are founding members of the coalition.

Coalition members are committed to developing common understanding, aligning our interests and working together to amplify our voices to create resilient and sustainable communities now and for the future.



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